He recently went to a baseball game with his family.
During the game his thoughts were on his unemployed situation, and he found himself worrying.
So he prayed . . . "Jesus, to show me that I am not forgotten, please let one of the fly balls come my way so I can catch it."
The next inning the batter hit a foul and it hit the bleachers and rolled right to him!
He was astonished.
Behind him were two little girls . . . so he gave one of them the baseball.
The next inning . . . another batter fouled and the ball hit the bleachers and rolled slowly right to him.
This time he was really, really amazed . . . and very encouraged.
He looked back toward the two little girls, and the one who did not get a ball was crying.
So . . . he gave her the second ball and noticed that her tears instantly stopped and she had a big grin on her face.
The next inning . . . another baseball was fouled and the ball flew into the bleachers, bounced around a bit, and then came rolling right to him.
He noticed another little girl nearby . . . so he gave the third ball to her.
Needless to say . . . after the game he was surrounded by grandmothers, parents, and other people who were thanking him and shaking his hands.
Out of 30,000 people in the stands, what are the mathematical chances of three baseballs coming to one person during the same game?
I don't know the answer to the question . . . but I do know that my friend is GREATLY ENCOURAGED!
And where are the people who say God does not answer prayer?