There are now more than 2 million prison inmates in the United States.
More than one million are blacks.
These people do not have jobs; do not pay taxes, and do not care for their children.
Blacks constitute more than half the prison population, but are only 13% of the general population.
Illegal immigrants cause 23% of the crime in our country.
It costs the American tax payers (those of us who work for a living) approximately $40,000 per year for each inmate.
Of course, this includes color television, food, housing, work out rooms (you know, we want them to be stronger by the time they leave) and other perks such as libraries and opportunities for free schooling.
Let's see $40,000 per prisoner times 2 million = $80,000,000 per year.
In case you did not read correctly, it costs us $80 Billion Dollars per year to house and feed the 2 million inmates.
A quote from Ayn Rand's book, Atlas Shrugged: ""The inhabitants of slums were not the men who made this country."
2% of our population is committing 50% of the crimes!