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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

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Saturday, October 11, 2014


                                               Jesus sets people free!
            You can watch my latest messages:

The farthest I had driven a car from my home since my near-death experience in Haiti four and half years ago was only 80 miles.  When I checked myself out of the Tampa Hospital, (against medical advice) the doctors had told me, “You can die at any time!”

Normally, when a team of doctors tell you something like this it makes you wonder if maybe they are right.  But . . . I’m not one for hospitals.  I have roamed all over the globe for 76 years, so I don’t take well to lying in a bed and undergoing multiple medical tests for eleven days.

            I like preaching the gospel way too much!

So this summer, as a test run, I accepted speaking engagements in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.  In all, I drove 2,500 miles and preached more times than I can remember.

                               Amazingly, I did not die!

And I’m back home very, very encouraged and invigorated. It feels good to know that God is not done with me yet.

The summer’s meetings were the best I can ever remember.  God gave me on-the-spot messages to preach, and at times I was actually amazed by what I heard coming out of my mouth.  Listen FREE:

Then, toward the end of my journey . . . something amazing happened in Ohio.  I saw, for the first time in 40 years, the kind of meetings that we used to see in America way back in the 1960s.  Wow!

I have seen these things overseas many, many times.  But to see it again in America after all this time was WONDERFUL beyond words.

For two and a half hours we just stood there and cried as we watched the Holy Spirit being poured out.  People were saved, healed, and delivered as God moved in mighty power as only HE can do.

No man was in control!

There was not a bulletin or format to follow.  It was like another Pentecost from the book of Acts.

And nobody stepped in and attempted to shut it down.

People were lying on the floor, young and old alike, weeping, laughing, shouting, running, jumping . . . and even prophesying.


Who on this planet would not return from a trip like that so full of joy that it is unspeakable and full of glory?


The best way to describe it is to quote a passage from Acts 10:44—“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message.”

In our cut-and-dry church services in America, where everything is pre-planned and must be done “decently and in order”, the actual meetings are very boring and lifeless.  From observing what took place at Gateway Church in Wooster, Ohio, it would appear that the Holy Spirit’s idea of “decently and in order” is a lot different than ours. J

Wendell Martin of Go Forth Ministries had invited me to Wooster, Ohio and had been searching for a venue for the meetings.  Keith Smith, Pastor of Gateway Church welcomed us to use his facility.  John Miller, whom I have known for more than 50 years, and who oversees three other Ohio churches also welcomed us and participated in the meetings.

Joshua Park, an apostle from South Korea was traveling with me, and he spoke at one of the meetings, too.  It was a glorious time.

We want to thank each of them for allowing the Holy Spirit to move so freely among us.


More good news for Haiti: Several women’s groups have been sewing dresses and blankets for the poor people in Haiti. Several missionary teams that are Haiti-bound have offered to deliver them to Jeremie,  FREE!

And a woman’s group in Michigan just called me and said that $700 is on the way to Full Life Crusade to be used for food and clean water for our orphans.

It is so wonderful to see God answering prayer in such remarkable ways.  I have always believed that if you are doing what the Lord wants you to do He will provide abundantly and you won’t have to be constantly whining about money.

The past 50 years of doing mission work has proved this is true!

Thank you so much for praying for us and financially supporting the outreaches of Full Life Crusade.  We are so encouraged to continue pressing forward during these somewhat, otherwise, dark days.

In His Service,

Wesley Smith


People from 88 nations are accessing our website and listening to our audio teachings.   We have more than 100 hours of FREE TEACHINGS on the website.  Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”  We do not sell what He gives us.!


Full Life Crusade, P.O. Box 398, Winona Lake, IN 46590

Tel. 574-267-7546    Website:                                                     Blog:


FREE . . . FREE . . . FREE

                We do not sell what God gives us. 
You will never find us hawking or selling our messages.
Jesus said, "Freely you have received, freely give!"
These messages are going out to 87 nations!


The Temple Mount:

Coming Attractions:
Gog and Magog:

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:

Suggestion:  Copy and paste so you can listen to all of them later.  When you finish listening to these messages, go to for about 100 more FREE teachings.
                                         Tell your friends.
Isaiah 55:1  "Is anyone thirsty?  Come and drink--even if you have no money!  Come, take your choice of wine or milk--it's all free!"

For 50 years we have consistently spread the gospel to the nations without charge, by literally making about 150 mission trips abroad.  We believe that if God orders it He will pay for it.
And if  He does not order it, then it is not worth doing . . . no matter how good it may appear to man.
"Nations that did not know you will run unto you because I, the Holy One of Israel, have made you glorious" (Is. 55:5b)!
Did you know that God has made YOU glorious?  Well . . . it is right here in the Bible. :)

The Menorah

The Menorah
Ready for the Third Temple. 92 pounds of gold ($17 million) 6 1/2 Feet High

Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock
The abomination of desolation




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