None of these killers - no, not even one - was ever a member of the NRA?
The Ft. Hood killer: A registered Democrat AND A Muslim.
The two Columbine killers: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats & progressive liberals.
The VA Tech killer: Registered Democrat; wrote hate to President Bush and his staff.
The Colorado Theater killer: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign. Also "Occupy!" participant, progressive liberal. NOW HE HAS CONVERTED TO ISLAM!
Connecticut school killer: Registered Democrat, hatred of Christians.
Common thread is that all of these shooters were "progressive liberal democrats." No Tea Party Members. No NRA Members. No so called "Christian Right". None found on the conservative side of political thought. Their backgrounds are what they are.
They are the killers. They are the danger & the threat. Not the "Conservatives that cling to their guns and religion".