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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thousands of American Citizens Killed by Illegals

If you are outraged by the crimes that illegal aliens are perpetrating inside our nation on innocent girls, boys, and adults, then you must go to the website below for details.

Killings, robberies, rapes, tortures, kidnappings, drunk driving, non-English speaking people driving without drivers' licenses . . . etc., etc.

Most of these criminals are not only not imprisoned, they are allowed to remain in the United States. The few who have fled across the border back into Mexico are actually protected by the Mexican government. One news media followed a murderer and easily found him in a bar just a few blocks inside Mexico.

What did the Mexican police do?

Absolutely nothing, except to show contemptuous smiles and saying in Spanish, "Gringo, go home!"

It seems that the laws are turned upside down and judges are more interested in the rights of the criminals than the rights of innocent U.S. citizens. Have these judges lost their minds?

Check out Psalm 82 to see what will happen in the near future!

Our hearts cry out for justice, but it is seldom found. No wonder we yearn for Jesus Christ to return and rule this planet.


You must go to:

"There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders. For that reason, this section can only provide a symbolic tribute to the many unnamed victims who have been killed, raped, robbed, crippled and otherwise personally violated."

Write letters to your newspapers! Contact your elected officials. Start a blog and tell the TRUTH. Get on U Tube and say what is in your heart. We cannot allow our great nation to be destroyed by people who despise us. If they want to strew garbage around their neighborhoods, then they should go back to Mexico so they can live that kind of a lifestyle. We welcome anyone who comes to our country LEGALLY, and then blends in and lives like Americans live, and speak English.

Have you noticed that U.S. citizens are not sneaking across the border into Mexico?

This fact speaks volumes!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

75 of Wesley Smith's Messages

Blue Mountain Christian Retreat has 75 of Wesley Smith's messages recorded on tapes and CDs.

These messages are on a variety of subjects, including a powerful
prophet voice for these End Times.

To order:

Then click on "Speakers' Tapes".

Or call (570) 386-2154.

Blue Mountain Christian Retreat
1 Christian Lane
New Ringgold, PA 17960

Did you know . . . The highest wind ever recorded on planet earth took place May 3,1999 in Oklahoma and Kansas: 316 mph! This wind was generated from a "cluster" of tornadoes.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Night Cometh

Our country has just elected one of the most liberal Presidents in the history of our nation. So the people got what they wanted. Even our very conservative state of Indiana overwhelmingly voted for him.

But we still have several very powerful weapons at our disposal (2 Cor. 10:4), and if we know what is good for us we had better use them: PRAYER and SPEAKING THE TRUTH!

It is possible that in the near future God’s people will have to break the laws of our land in order to obey Him. Example from Scripture: “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

Homosexuality is a blatant sin against God and one of the sins that takes a person as far away from the Lord as he can get. It also brings a curse upon any nation that allows this filthy practice (who are the perverts spreading AIDS in our country?). Anyone remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?

“Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin.” See Lev. 18:22.

Check out Romans 1:26-31, too. The day is fast approaching when it will be considered a “hate crime” in our nation to even read what the Bible says about this topic.

Abortion is a crime against a group of people who have no defense. Our nation has dressed up and hidden the horror of this wicked practice by using terms like “abortion” and “partial-birth abortion”. These two terms, respectively mean: Killing a baby in its mother’s womb, and, Murdering a baby while it is being born.

“Partial-birth abortion” is an aberration. In real practice the “doctor”, who has taken the Hippocratic oath to respect the sanctity of human life, pokes a sharp scissors into the baby’s brain as the baby is exiting the mother’s birth canal. Even animals are not this cruel.

If you want God's opinion about this horrible practice study about Molech in Lev. 18:21.

Estimates now range from 50 million to 70 million infants slaughtered in the United States of America.

Freedom, as we have known it, will quickly slip away. We will be “free” to chant and recite the correct political phrases, but if we really say what we are thinking, then look out! Sarah Palin is still being crucified by our liberal press and the Washington crowd, and the election is over. Joe the Plumber had his life threatened because he exercised his freedom and asked Obama a simple question.

Obama plans to create an organization called Civilian National Security Force, CNSF. You will be hearing a lot more about the CNSF in the near future. This organization will have power over the State Police, the Sheriff department, and our local police. What will you do when they come to get your guns?

Can you believe that Obama wants to create a secret police state that will be larger than the Marines, Army, Air Force, and Navy combined? Where will the funding come from and who will command such an organization. And . . . is such an organization even constitutional?

I imagine that those selected to serve in the CNSF will be about as bright as government workers in the TSA who check our luggage and papers at the airport.

I recently flew with two of my grandchildren to Seattle. When the TSA officer looked at my driver’s license, and then at my 13-year old, and 12-year old granddaughters, he asked (and he was not kidding), “Which one is Wesley Smith?”

I answered, “The grown man whose picture you are looking at on my driver’s license.” Olivia, Julia and I could barely keep from howling with laughter! We are still talking about it and telling our friends. Too bad he was not home-schooled like they are.

And these are the people responsible for our safety when we fly?!

What will we do when Home-Schooling is against the law?

Can you imagine a jeep load of CNSF officers with the same I.Q. as the TSA folks driving up to your house to confiscate guns---or Bibles?

“Just doing what we have to do, sir! We will give you $300 for each of your guns TODAY. If we have to come back tomorrow we will forcibly take your guns and you will be imprisoned for resisting a Federal Officer!"

So, yes, these are very exciting times.

While the world was focusing on the election process in America (did you notice that there was “no news” for the past three months?) During this news-blackout-time, Syria brought tanks and military weapons to the Golan Heights’ border, Hezbollah has mobilized its army in Lebanon claiming that Israel has stolen their land, and even Egypt is conducting military maneuvers in and on the Sinai. So Israel is completely surrounded by people who want to erase this small country off the face of the map.

Believe me, the Arabs know that Israel has lost its best friend!

Oh, yes, a side note: Russia has opened and is operating a huge nuclear naval military base in Tartus, Syria, on the Mediterranean Sea. This base is about 150 miles from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem!

Ever hear about “The Bear From The North” coming down? He is already “down” (Ezek. 38:15).

So what to do?

The same thing that Full Life Crusade has been doing for the past 44 years! Pray and spread the gospel to the four corners of the earth. Reaching Out to the World” will be our theme until we are raptured or imprisoned. But even in prison we can pray like the Chinese believers are now praying.

Heads up, my friends. When all these things begin to take place, look up, your redemption draweth nigh!

Thank you once again for your generous support of our outreaches.

In His Service,

Wesley Smith

"I'll keep my freedom, my guns, and my money; you can keep............


P.S. S. For those of you who like to get the "shivers" and "goose bumps": The Illinois State Lottery "Pick Three" winning numbers the day after the election, November 5---and remember, Obama is from Illinois---666. I have also listed all the times when this number won. If you want proof, here it is:

Illinois State Lottery:

Pick 3
Numbers Entered - 6 6 6
Date Numbers Prize
Evening Draw
Ways to Win
Midday Draw
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"The night cometh when no man can work!" John 9:4

Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St.
Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000
Presidential election.

Number of States won by Democrats: 19
Republicans: - 29
Square miles of land won by:
Democrats: 580,000
Republicans: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by Democrats: - 127 million
Republicans: - 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by
Democrats: 13.2
Republicans: - 2.1

Professor Olson adds: - "In aggregate, the map of the territory
Republicans won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this
great country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living
in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government

Full Life Crusade, P.O. Box, 398, Winona Lake, IN 46590 Website:

The Menorah

The Menorah
Ready for the Third Temple. 92 pounds of gold ($17 million) 6 1/2 Feet High

Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock
The abomination of desolation




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