If you are outraged by the crimes that illegal aliens are perpetrating inside our nation on innocent girls, boys, and adults, then you must go to the website below for details.
Killings, robberies, rapes, tortures, kidnappings, drunk driving, non-English speaking people driving without drivers' licenses . . . etc., etc.
Most of these criminals are not only not imprisoned, they are allowed to remain in the United States. The few who have fled across the border back into Mexico are actually protected by the Mexican government. One news media followed a murderer and easily found him in a bar just a few blocks inside Mexico.
What did the Mexican police do?
Absolutely nothing, except to show contemptuous smiles and saying in Spanish, "Gringo, go home!"
It seems that the laws are turned upside down and judges are more interested in the rights of the criminals than the rights of innocent U.S. citizens. Have these judges lost their minds?
Check out Psalm 82 to see what will happen in the near future!
Our hearts cry out for justice, but it is seldom found. No wonder we yearn for Jesus Christ to return and rule this planet.
"There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders. For that reason, this section can only provide a symbolic tribute to the many unnamed victims who have been killed, raped, robbed, crippled and otherwise personally violated."
Write letters to your newspapers! Contact your elected officials. Start a blog and tell the TRUTH. Get on U Tube and say what is in your heart. We cannot allow our great nation to be destroyed by people who despise us. If they want to strew garbage around their neighborhoods, then they should go back to Mexico so they can live that kind of a lifestyle. We welcome anyone who comes to our country LEGALLY, and then blends in and lives like Americans live, and speak English.
Have you noticed that U.S. citizens are not sneaking across the border into Mexico?
This fact speaks volumes!