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Thursday, December 2, 2010


Does any sane person on this planet want Iran to get "the bomb" ?

Of course not!

Most of us thought Israel would destroy the nuclear power plants in Iran.

But . . . surprise, surprise!

Last January an Iranian senior physics professor, Masoud Ali Muhammadi, was blown up when he walked out of his house in Tehran.  A motorcycle that was parked nearby exploded "just as he walked past".

Yesterday another top nuclear scientist, Majid Shahriari, was driving to work when a motorcyclist pulled up beside him in heavy traffic, and attached a bomb to the driver's side window.  A few seconds later Majid was dead.

He was not only a top nuclear scientist, but he was also a laser expert at Iran's Defense Ministry.  Majid was one of the few specialists in nuclear isotope separation.

Across town, Fereidoun Abbasi, another nuclear scientist, was badly injured when a bomb blew up in his car while he was driving.

These incidents have caused serious speculation that the fingerprints of Israel's Mossad are visible.

As much as we do not like to see people killed, consider the tens of thousands of lives saved had the Israelis bombed Iran.  And the attack could have easily triggered World War III.

The Jewish people have some hand-held weapons that are above and beyond anything other nations possess.

One picture is greater than one thousand words:

What you are about to watch is an actual event. Our forces filmed this in actual time. What you are about to see is a fully armored Syrian tank being hit by an Israeli laser-guided, steel-penetrating, phosphorous-filled "hand held" rocket. The rocket is small, very portable and is a tightly controlled weapon, each one is accounted for when they are checked out and back in. There must be no fewer than 2 soldiers present to verify the use, one must be a senior officer with a minimum of 10 years military service. (Sorry, the name and program is kept secret.)

This tank was headed for one of Israel 's settlements, there were four more tanks one mile to the rear of this tank. (They turned around before getting to this area.)

You can hear the ammunition going off after the initial strike. No tank member survived this event.

This event did not make the news, it is an everyday event for our forces and we do not "embed" news sources with our armed forces like the Americans do. This is for our survival, not for "news" entertainment!

Being inside the tank would be the equivalent of being sent to hell. Best not to mess with Israel!

The Menorah

The Menorah
Ready for the Third Temple. 92 pounds of gold ($17 million) 6 1/2 Feet High

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Dome of the Rock
The abomination of desolation




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