If he is young, he lacks experience. If his hair is gray, he's too old.
If he speaks from notes, he has canned sermons. If he is extemporaneous, he wanders.
If he spends time in his study, he neglects the people. If he visits, he's a gadabout.
If he is attentive to the poor, he's playing to the grandstand. If to the wealthy, he's trying to butter his bread.
If he suggests improvements, he's a dictator. If he doesn't he's short of vision.
If he condemns wrong, he's cranky and intolerant. If he doesn't, he is a compromiser.
If he preahes thirty-five minutes, he windy. If he doesn't he is a compromiser.
If he preaches the truth, he's offensive. If not, he's a hypocrite.
If he fails to please everyone, he's hurting the church. If he does, he has no convictions.
If he preaches on giving, he's a money grabber. If he doesn't he's not developing the people.
And some folks think he has a knocked job.