And you think Islam won't do the same thing in this country if we allow them to gain the upper hand?
The Beast of Revelation Revelation 17:8!
The Beast of Revelation Revelation 17:8!
Islamic tolerance.....
People will be amazed at the reappearance of the Beast who had died (in Tours, France, 732)! Rev. 17:7
Don't believe it? Check out: . . . by the way: "A Muslim who commits a crime is not really a Muslim while he is doing it."
A recent report by a human rights organization in the Middle East stated that “..a young girl employed in Palmelkh, Saudi Arabia was barbarically punished because she had the audacity to say ‘..Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, is my personal Savior..’ “
Winston Churchill said Islam in a man is LIKE hydrophobia in a dog, but it is WORSE!
ShariaUnveiled (h/t Jack) This angered many officials at her work and they ordered men to carry out the process of sewing her mouth shut, in order to stop her from expressing her love for Christ Jesus. Additionally, they sewed her left eye shut as an added form of punishment.
The process utilized was not only inhumane but unsanitary. The plastic thread that was used contained chemicals, for the sole purpose of intentionally causing infection.
This story has been confirmed through Human Rights Organizations that called this report: ‘..not only a reflection of the deadly Saudi Arabian Human Rights System, but a clearly flagrant violation of women’s rights.