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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Two ladies in Niles, Ohio got an idea.

Instead of smothering their idea, they acted on it.

They took a step of faith and rented a huge billboard. In very large letters they wrote:



They received so many positive responses that now these billboards are in many places across our country.

Let's get behind these women so that next year they can flood the nation with their message.

Almost all Americans are sick and tired of the very, very few people who don't want us to remember Jesus December 25. They don't even want us to say, "Merry Christmas!"

So next year let's say it so loud that they will be drowned out and their voices won't even matter.

The atheists have freedom of speech. And so do we; so let's speak up.

Here is the address to help the ladies in Niles, Ohio:

Merry Christmas
P.O. Box 175
Niles, Ohio 44446

And Merry Christmas to you!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thousands of American Citizens Killed by Illegals

If you are outraged by the crimes that illegal aliens are perpetrating inside our nation on innocent girls, boys, and adults, then you must go to the website below for details.

Killings, robberies, rapes, tortures, kidnappings, drunk driving, non-English speaking people driving without drivers' licenses . . . etc., etc.

Most of these criminals are not only not imprisoned, they are allowed to remain in the United States. The few who have fled across the border back into Mexico are actually protected by the Mexican government. One news media followed a murderer and easily found him in a bar just a few blocks inside Mexico.

What did the Mexican police do?

Absolutely nothing, except to show contemptuous smiles and saying in Spanish, "Gringo, go home!"

It seems that the laws are turned upside down and judges are more interested in the rights of the criminals than the rights of innocent U.S. citizens. Have these judges lost their minds?

Check out Psalm 82 to see what will happen in the near future!

Our hearts cry out for justice, but it is seldom found. No wonder we yearn for Jesus Christ to return and rule this planet.


You must go to:

"There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders. For that reason, this section can only provide a symbolic tribute to the many unnamed victims who have been killed, raped, robbed, crippled and otherwise personally violated."

Write letters to your newspapers! Contact your elected officials. Start a blog and tell the TRUTH. Get on U Tube and say what is in your heart. We cannot allow our great nation to be destroyed by people who despise us. If they want to strew garbage around their neighborhoods, then they should go back to Mexico so they can live that kind of a lifestyle. We welcome anyone who comes to our country LEGALLY, and then blends in and lives like Americans live, and speak English.

Have you noticed that U.S. citizens are not sneaking across the border into Mexico?

This fact speaks volumes!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

75 of Wesley Smith's Messages

Blue Mountain Christian Retreat has 75 of Wesley Smith's messages recorded on tapes and CDs.

These messages are on a variety of subjects, including a powerful
prophet voice for these End Times.

To order:

Then click on "Speakers' Tapes".

Or call (570) 386-2154.

Blue Mountain Christian Retreat
1 Christian Lane
New Ringgold, PA 17960

Did you know . . . The highest wind ever recorded on planet earth took place May 3,1999 in Oklahoma and Kansas: 316 mph! This wind was generated from a "cluster" of tornadoes.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Night Cometh

Our country has just elected one of the most liberal Presidents in the history of our nation. So the people got what they wanted. Even our very conservative state of Indiana overwhelmingly voted for him.

But we still have several very powerful weapons at our disposal (2 Cor. 10:4), and if we know what is good for us we had better use them: PRAYER and SPEAKING THE TRUTH!

It is possible that in the near future God’s people will have to break the laws of our land in order to obey Him. Example from Scripture: “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

Homosexuality is a blatant sin against God and one of the sins that takes a person as far away from the Lord as he can get. It also brings a curse upon any nation that allows this filthy practice (who are the perverts spreading AIDS in our country?). Anyone remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?

“Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin.” See Lev. 18:22.

Check out Romans 1:26-31, too. The day is fast approaching when it will be considered a “hate crime” in our nation to even read what the Bible says about this topic.

Abortion is a crime against a group of people who have no defense. Our nation has dressed up and hidden the horror of this wicked practice by using terms like “abortion” and “partial-birth abortion”. These two terms, respectively mean: Killing a baby in its mother’s womb, and, Murdering a baby while it is being born.

“Partial-birth abortion” is an aberration. In real practice the “doctor”, who has taken the Hippocratic oath to respect the sanctity of human life, pokes a sharp scissors into the baby’s brain as the baby is exiting the mother’s birth canal. Even animals are not this cruel.

If you want God's opinion about this horrible practice study about Molech in Lev. 18:21.

Estimates now range from 50 million to 70 million infants slaughtered in the United States of America.

Freedom, as we have known it, will quickly slip away. We will be “free” to chant and recite the correct political phrases, but if we really say what we are thinking, then look out! Sarah Palin is still being crucified by our liberal press and the Washington crowd, and the election is over. Joe the Plumber had his life threatened because he exercised his freedom and asked Obama a simple question.

Obama plans to create an organization called Civilian National Security Force, CNSF. You will be hearing a lot more about the CNSF in the near future. This organization will have power over the State Police, the Sheriff department, and our local police. What will you do when they come to get your guns?

Can you believe that Obama wants to create a secret police state that will be larger than the Marines, Army, Air Force, and Navy combined? Where will the funding come from and who will command such an organization. And . . . is such an organization even constitutional?

I imagine that those selected to serve in the CNSF will be about as bright as government workers in the TSA who check our luggage and papers at the airport.

I recently flew with two of my grandchildren to Seattle. When the TSA officer looked at my driver’s license, and then at my 13-year old, and 12-year old granddaughters, he asked (and he was not kidding), “Which one is Wesley Smith?”

I answered, “The grown man whose picture you are looking at on my driver’s license.” Olivia, Julia and I could barely keep from howling with laughter! We are still talking about it and telling our friends. Too bad he was not home-schooled like they are.

And these are the people responsible for our safety when we fly?!

What will we do when Home-Schooling is against the law?

Can you imagine a jeep load of CNSF officers with the same I.Q. as the TSA folks driving up to your house to confiscate guns---or Bibles?

“Just doing what we have to do, sir! We will give you $300 for each of your guns TODAY. If we have to come back tomorrow we will forcibly take your guns and you will be imprisoned for resisting a Federal Officer!"

So, yes, these are very exciting times.

While the world was focusing on the election process in America (did you notice that there was “no news” for the past three months?) During this news-blackout-time, Syria brought tanks and military weapons to the Golan Heights’ border, Hezbollah has mobilized its army in Lebanon claiming that Israel has stolen their land, and even Egypt is conducting military maneuvers in and on the Sinai. So Israel is completely surrounded by people who want to erase this small country off the face of the map.

Believe me, the Arabs know that Israel has lost its best friend!

Oh, yes, a side note: Russia has opened and is operating a huge nuclear naval military base in Tartus, Syria, on the Mediterranean Sea. This base is about 150 miles from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem!

Ever hear about “The Bear From The North” coming down? He is already “down” (Ezek. 38:15).

So what to do?

The same thing that Full Life Crusade has been doing for the past 44 years! Pray and spread the gospel to the four corners of the earth. Reaching Out to the World” will be our theme until we are raptured or imprisoned. But even in prison we can pray like the Chinese believers are now praying.

Heads up, my friends. When all these things begin to take place, look up, your redemption draweth nigh!

Thank you once again for your generous support of our outreaches.

In His Service,

Wesley Smith

"I'll keep my freedom, my guns, and my money; you can keep............


P.S. S. For those of you who like to get the "shivers" and "goose bumps": The Illinois State Lottery "Pick Three" winning numbers the day after the election, November 5---and remember, Obama is from Illinois---666. I have also listed all the times when this number won. If you want proof, here it is:

Illinois State Lottery:

Pick 3
Numbers Entered - 6 6 6
Date Numbers Prize
Evening Draw
Ways to Win
Midday Draw
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Ways to Win

"The night cometh when no man can work!" John 9:4

Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St.
Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000
Presidential election.

Number of States won by Democrats: 19
Republicans: - 29
Square miles of land won by:
Democrats: 580,000
Republicans: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by Democrats: - 127 million
Republicans: - 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by
Democrats: 13.2
Republicans: - 2.1

Professor Olson adds: - "In aggregate, the map of the territory
Republicans won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this
great country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living
in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government

Full Life Crusade, P.O. Box, 398, Winona Lake, IN 46590 Website:

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The God Blamers

We all remember where we were September 11, 2001.

And a whole lot of folks will always remember where they were when the stock market dropped from 14,000 points to around 8,100 points. Many of these dear people saw life savings go up in smoke in almost one day.

Suicides across the nation have dramatically increased, as fortunes were lost in a matter of hours. One man was extremely depressed because he lost millions of dollars. Before he committed suicide, he killed his wife and children, rather than face a life of poverty.

I clearly remember where I was when the Muslims from Saudi Arabia flew suicide planes into New York’s Twin Towers and murdered more than 3,000 of our countrymen.

I remember praying a lot that week. I guess a lot of Americans felt like praying that week. The churches filled to overflowing for about two weeks. Then it was back to same-old, same-old.

I felt that the Holy Spirit spoke to me shortly after 9/11. Here is what I heard:

“This was a knock on the door. If the people do not turn from their sins and turn to me, next time the door will be kicked off its hinges.

If this does not get their attention, then the house is coming down!”

I believe that the economic collapse of October 2008 is the door being uhinged.

If this second attention-getter does not work I believe that the house will come down!

Some people who do not read their Bibles tell me, “I don’t believe in a God like this. I don’t believe in a God who would destroy the Twin Towers, cause an economic collapse, or bring down our house.

Folks, don’t blame God for any of this. We have brought it on ourselves.

We have kicked the Bible and prayer out of our public schools. We have forbidden Godly judges from posting the Ten Commandments. And we have butchered more than 50 million of our children, sticking scissors into their brains as they are being born. This is beyond wicked.

Of course, we have softened and hidden the real truth by using terms like "Partial Birth Abortion" and even the word "Abortion" itself. Murdering a baby while it is being born would be much more honest. How many people would vote for someone who openly professed to be in favor of murdering babies? This is Obama's platform!

Even animals don't do things like this.

And if this were not enough we have bent down in front of the homosexual crowd, too.

Our pride, greed, and continual pleasure seeking is to blame, not God. His Word clearly tells us that there are severe consequences for living a lifestyle of sin. So far, very few people have paid any attention.

Now that many of the former millionaires are destitute, they are doing a lot of thinking. If all of your hope is in your wealth, then this is a perfect time to be depressed. But if your hope is in eternal things, and in God’s Son, then these are wonderful times. It gives us an opportunity to tell people the good news and give them hope in a hopeless world.

We have several very real enemies: Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, and Muslim extremists. Each of them has the capability of bringing down our house. Only God’s protection and kindness has kept us safe thus far.

Imagine this scenario: We all know that there are a number of Shahab-3 missiles floating around. All it takes is money and the right connections and you can own one. A freighter off the California or East Coast could easily come close enough to the United States to launch a nuclear-armed missile like this.

If it exploded 300 miles ABOVE any of our major cities (and let’s assume that our enemies only launched ONE such missile), it would create an electromagnetic pulse.

Perhaps you have never heard of an EMP, as it is referred to by those in the “know”. An EMP scatter gamma rays in what is called the Compton effect. These pulses can disable automobiles, consumer electronics, and, most importantly, the hundreds of large transformers that distribute power throughout America.

All of our television sets, radios, refrigerators, furnaces, electric lights, pumps for our wells, and a lot of other modern conveniences that we are so used to having at our fingertips would instantly be gone . . . INSTANTLY!

Probably millions of us would die from lack of water, food, and other necessities like heat for our homes. There would be mass social breakdown and there would not be enough law enforcement available to keep order.

I’m not a doomsday kind of person. But I also am not the kind of a person who sticks his head in the sand (five hours of TV each day) and pretends that nothing can go wrong.

Folks, if there has ever been a time to pray it is now.

We not only need to pray for our nation, but we need to pray that God will give us wisdom during these last days. Preparing ahead of time is vital.

The Bible does not say that Abraham was rich. The Bible says that he was VERY RICH. There is a big difference!

But you don’t have to be very rich to have some good common sense.

Abraham had three things: cattle (food), silver, and gold. If you aren’t bright enough to get something out of this last sentence I wrote, then you are probably not even reading this article. Of course, the best thing Abraham had was faith in God!

My suggestion: Pray like you’ve never prayed before. Even call in your neighbors. Call in your entire town or city. Ask God to have mercy on us. And ask Him to grant us wisdom during these last days. And then do what He tells you to do.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Economic Collapse

From its all-time high of 14,164, the DOW has lost more than 40%! For those who don't know much about economics (like me) this represents trillions of dollars - - - GONE! The DOW stands at 7,552. Almost incredible to believe.

It is not a coincidence that when the DOW dropped 777 points in one day that it took place on the eve of Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year). The U.S., under the Bush administration, has been putting more and more pressure on Israel to give up more land so the "Palestinians" can have their own state.

Consider the Biblical significance of the number "7" in the Bible. And consider that God promises to judge any nation that divides THE LAND. The Twin Towers, Katrina, and now this economic collapse should ring bells in someone's head: Don't mess with Israel!

Some of the people who have watched their portfolios dwindle away to nothing are devastated. Some have already turned to suicide. One millionaire was so distraught that he murdered his whole family before taking his own life. He figured that they would all be better off dead than to face the future without money and everything it can purchase.

For more than thirty years I have warned people that the only way our nation would turn back to God is if there would be an economic collapse. Now we have entered the point of no return. This is only the tip of the iceberg. The economy will not get fixed by the same people who caused it to collapse.

If someone ran your business into the ground, would you hire the same person to attempt to fix it? This is how blind the leaders in Washington have become.

But the question remains. Will people really repent of their sins and turn to the Lord?

Right after 9/11 the Holy Spirit spoke a very clear message to me: "The Twin Towers coming down was a knock on the door. If this does not work the door will be kicked off its hinges. If that does not work, then the house will come down."

Until now I have only shared this with a few close friends. I truly believe that this economic collapse is the "door" being kicked off its hinges.

After this, if Americans don't turn from their sins and turn to God, then we can only face fierce judgment.

Some would ask, "Why would God treat us this way?"

How about asking the question: "Why have we treated God like we have?"

Do you really believe that He has not noticed that we have butchered more than 50 million innocent children on the altar of sexual gratification---modern Baal worship.

There is so much violence in our nation. And if you recall, it was the corruption and violence factors that motivated God to move in judgment with the flood (Genesis 6:11).

"God saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil " (Ge. 6:5).

Is there still hope for our nation and the world? Of course there is. God is an exceedingly merciful God. The solution is to confess our wickedness to him, turn from our wicked ways, and return to him. Then he will bring healing.

But remember, Jeremiah was told by God at a certain point in Judah's history - - -"Do not pray for these people any longer" (Jer. 11:14).

This is a historic moment!

My suggestion is that you open your home for regular prayer meetings and call in your neighbors.

We meet in Warsaw, Indiana every Sunday evening at the Comfort Inn, 6:00 p.m. Primarily we are praying for national revival.

You don't need a large group. God did not say if 50,000 people repent and pray that he would hear and heal.

He said "if my people" (2 Chron. 7:14).

It starts with you. It starts with me.

Do we love our nation enough to get on our knees and pray?

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Modern Prophecy Fulfilled

Almost one year ago three of us from our church flew to San Antonio, Texas to attend a conference. While we were there we heard a very interesting prophecy. I cannot remember every word of this prophecy, but I do remember the basics:

At the very last moment a person will emerge on the political scene---MY PERSON--- who will be filled with my Spirit. This person will stand for righteousness, decency, and bring back morality to the United States. I am raising this person up because of my mercy and in answer to those who cry out to me for their nation.”

Well . . . now it is history. Just sixty-seven days before the November 4 election Sarah Palin was selected by John McCain to be his running mate.

Ever since we heard that prophecy in October of 2007, Tim/Ruth Yoder, and I have been praying and trying to believe what we heard. But as time passed it seemed “impossible” that the prophecy would come to pass and prove itself to be true.

But we continued to pray! And then, suddenly, Sarah Palin was accepting McCain’s appointment as Vice-President at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. She brought down the house as 37 million viewers watched and responded to her clear, simple, honest message.

Then her family took the stage! We all saw her family passing “Trig” around, holding him, and loving on him. The doctor had wanted Sarah to abort “Trig”, but she chose to keep him and love him as a gift from God.

As though Governor Palin’s speech wasn’t smashing enough, who will ever forget that sight? The hearts of the American people were touched in such deep and permanent ways. Here was a real, honest American hockey mom who loves her God, her husband, her family, and her country. Tears freely flowed!

We later found out that the person operating Sarah’s teleprompter forgot to stop it during the many interruptions of exploding applause. The first time it happened she paused briefly and told us about herself: "You know the difference between a Hockey Mom and a Pit Bull - - - LIPSTICK."

She went on with her speech as though there was no problem with the teleprompter. Could her opponents accomplish something like this? And she was so relaxed we all felt as though she was visiting with us in her living room.

This is history in the making! Washington will be changed!

Now, here is our job:

And this is the most important part of this newsletter. The evil opponents of Sarah Palin will do every evil thing they can possibly do. They will lie and spread stories about her that are not true. One day after her acceptance speech the drive-by media began the vicious onslaught.

We prayed her in and now it is our job to pray as we have never prayed before. She will be extremely busy during the days leading up to the election in November. Those of us who will not be nearly as busy as she is must bombard the heavens on her behalf. Every demon spirit in the heavenlies will be unleashed against this Spirit-Filled believer in Jesus Christ!

But Hebrews tells us that these evil powers do not have a chance. Jesus is at the right hand of God Almighty watching and waiting as his enemies are humbled and become a footstool under his feet.

We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. Use every piece of armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm” (Ephesians 6:12-13).

This is why we must pray. We meet every Sunday night to pray for revival in our nation. If you are ever in the Warsaw/Winona Lake area come by and join us at the Comfort Inn, 6:00 p.m. This is an on-our-knees prayer meeting. We mean business; an so does God.

Jesus is on our side at God’s side!

God promises that if we pray he will hear, answer, and show us “great and mighty things”.

Our job is very simple and very easy. All we have to do is pray.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have the difficult job. Let us not fail to give them the prayer coverage that they need.

Pray while you are taking a shower. Pray while you are driving your car or taking a walk. Pray while you are working around your house. Pray when you wake up in your bed. Pray when you go to sleep at night.

Every time that you hear some wicked voice lying about Sarah ---PRAY!

Prayer brought Sarah Palin out of nowhere. Prayer will place her in the White House. For Truth and Common-sense

Forward this article to your email friends!


Lies about Sarah Palin are splashing the headlines across our nation. Evil forces have never been so angry and stirred up. So I am inserting TRUTH here for you to pass on to your friends. This is also on my website: Then go to my blog!

Lie- Palin Slashed spending for teen moms from $5 million dollars to $3.9 million in the Alaska state budget.
Truth- Palin actually increased by three-fold the budget for the Covenant House teen pregnancy programs. What she "cut" was the Covenant House's request for $5 million! Palin's $3.9 million was still a massive increase from the previous budget.

Lie- Palin belonged to the Alaska Independence Party, a group that wants Alaska to secede from the United States.
Truth- The Governor's political registration shows that she has been a Republican since 1982 and she has never been a member of the AIP, though her husband has in the past.

Lie- Palin wants Creationism taught in school alongside of the Theory of Evolution.
Truth- Palin has spoken in favor of open discussion in the classroom of the two competing ideas, but has never spoken for, advocated for, or tried to make a policy that would make Alaska's schools add creationism to their curriculum. Palin quote: "I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum."

Lie- Palin was so mired in controversy as a mayor that she was almost recalled while mayor of Wasilla.
Truth- Only a small number of Wasilla residents supported the recall effort and the idea died stillborn.

Lie- Palin cheated on her husband with her husband’s former business partner. This man had his divorce papers sealed to hide Palin’s affair.
Truth- Turns out it is untrue and the reason the man wanted his divorce papers sealed is to prevent the media from intruding into his life and the life of his young son.

Lie- Palin faked her recent pregnancy to cover for an out-of-wedlock birth of her teenaged daughter.
Truth- Many eyewitnesses and photos easily debunk this story. And even if you didn't believe that, the fact that Palin's daughter is pregnant NOW makes it physically impossible that she could have had a baby earlier in the year.

Lie- Palin was a supporter of Pat Buchanan when he ran for president in 1999.
Truth- Palin actually supported Steve Forbes in 1999 and was the co-chair on his Alaska campaign.

Lie- Palin is hiding her real religion from the public. She claims to be "just" a Christian, but is really a Pentecostal.
Truth- Palin left the Pentecostal Church she belonged to in Alaska 6 years ago.

Lie- Palin wanted a long, long list of books to be banned in the Wassilla library.
Truth- Palin did ask the library about what the process might be to ban a book, but the long list of books being circulated to "prove" she wanted books banned is really a list of all the books that have been banned at one time or another over the last 100 years. In fact, as far as the Harry Potter Books on that list goes, some of them came out after Palin left the office of Mayor of Wasilla.

Lie- Palin is lying when she says she sold the state’s jet plane on ebay.
Truth- Palin never said she sold the jet on ebay. She says she put it up to sell on ebay. And she did. But it didn't sell there. The state sold it in a private sale to Larry Reynolds.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Martha's 50-Hour Journey

I just wanted to give you the latest update on my widowed-daughter, Martha Berg, and her five children. Her in-laws in Seattle, Washington had not seen Martha and the children since Phil's death, January 16, 2006. So she and the five little ones flew out to Seattle from Jerusalem this summer.

The relatives took them to a beautiful family camp for two weeks and paid for everything. They had a glorious time after her strenuous twelve years work in Israel. I know that Martha was very overdue for a rest.

After their vacation Martha, her five children, and eleven huge pieces of luggage boarded the plane for the flight back to Israel. They changed planes in New York City and then flew onward to Tel Aviv. When they landed in Israel the immigration officials placed all of them in ten hours of detention. Then they were deported and put on an El Al flight to Newark, New Jersey, which happened to be the next flight out of the country.

We can only imagine how tired and emotionally stressful this was for all of them, especially Martha!

Anna, who is three-years-old exclaimed, "I want to go home!"

Martha replied, "We cannot go home."

Anna said, very somberly, "O.K."

Then, a few minutes later she pronounced, "Then God will give us a new home!"

Oh, the faith of a child!

I would not have known anything about Martha and her family being deported, except for thoughtfulness of the man who was supposed to pick her up at the Tel Aviv airport. He called me at my home in Indiana and told me what had taken place.

Martha's sister, Heidi, called a friend, Jon Fussle, on the East Coast and asked him to rent a van, meet them as they came out of the custom area, and drive them to their motel. We were in Indiana, 900 miles from New York City, and there was no way to get to Martha and the children in time to meet them

All went well and our friend, Jon, met Martha and the children---who had now been traveling for more than 50 hours!!!!! They drove to the motel, unloaded all eleven bags and got settled in. This was about 7:00 a.m. They went down to eat breakfast and the children wanted to go swimming in the pool.

For some reason there was a distraction and Anna, who was two years of age, was knocked into the part of the pool that was over her head. Jon, our friend, leaped into the pool with his cell phone in hand, fully clothed, even with his shoes on. He was just in time and Anna emerged from the water, shaken, but O.K. Thank the Lord for this!

Just when they thought everything might get back to "NORMAL", Jon went out to the van and found that the van had been broken into and everything he owned had been stolen: passport, clothing, two laptops, etc., etc. The reason he had everything with him that he owned was because he was also on a trip back to Indiana. So there John stood, wet shoes, socks, dripping wet with no ID or money.

Fortunately, the story does not get worse. Heidi and I are on our way to be with Martha and the children for a week. Please keep us all in your prayers as we try to figure out the next move for this precious family. And send this out to all of your friends. Thank you so much.

You can send financial assistance to Martha:
Full Life Crusade
P.O. Box 398
Winona Lake, IN 46590!

L&P, Wes


News update on Martha: August

Thank you so much for your concern and prayers for Martha.
She still does not have permission from the Israeli immigration authorities to return to Jerusalem. But two U. S. Senators are in contact with the Israeli consulate in New York and we should know something in the next few weeks.

At this point everything that Martha owns is in her house in Jerusalem. And she cannot even go there to pack and ship her belongings to the United States. Also, she needs to enroll her children in school---either in the U.S. or Israel.

But be not dismayed! God is ordering her life and she is doing very well.

God pleads the cause of the widows and orphans!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Jesus predicted that in the last days the frequency of earthquakes would increase and that they would become more intense.

A woman who is about to give birth to a child experiences two things. 1. Her contractions become more frequent; and, 2. Her contractions become more intense. Then she knows for sure that she is about to give birth.

So, too, as the earth shakes repeatedly, we know that the return of Jesus is imminent.

Many people scoff at the idea that God has anything to do with earthquakes.

But rather than taking someone's opinion about it, let's go to the most authoritative book on the subject---THE BIBLE, which is still the best selling book in the world.

"God shakes the earth from its place, and its foundations tremble!" Job 9:6

"The foundations of heaven tremble; they shudder at his rebuke." Job 26:11

"You, God, have shaken our land and split it open. Seal the cracks, for the land trembles."
Psalm 60:2

"Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob."

"Your coming will make the nations tremble. Then your enemies will learn the reason for your fame! Isaiah 64:2

"The whole earth trembles at his anger. The nations cannot stand up to his wrath."
Jeremiah 10:10

Strange! Ever since California passed the "gays can get married" law, more than 500,000 thousand acres of forests have been devastated by fires.

Frightened California inhabitants have recently been shaken by a 5.4 earthquake!

Of course, very few people connect the dots . . . . . . . .

For your information (FYI), here are four of the earthquakes that have resulted in the most deaths:

January 23, 1556: China 830,00 deaths

December 26, 2004: Sumatra 283,106 deaths

July 27, 1976: Tangshan, China 255,000 deaths

August 9, 1138: Aleppo, Syria 230,000 deaths

There will be many, many more earthquakes.

The Bible predicts that millions will die.

Does this frighten us?


It encourages us, because these events tell us of the soon return of Jesus.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Every Sunday Night . . .

Each Sunday night we meet to study God's Word and pray for revival.

If you are hungry and thirsty for the real thing, then come join us.

We believe that there are thousands of people who are disillusioned with organized religion, but still love Jesus very much.

We call these people THE REMNANT!

They are not satisfied with one Bible verse each week in church, with little or no prayer.

The REMNANT believes that what took place in the Book of Acts can take place today.

The REMNANT believes that the God of the Bible has not changed.

The REMNANT believes in the supernatural power of God and impartations of the Holy Spirit.

The REMNANT believes that God is big enough, and powerful enough, to break through the fake religion of our day and bring us real revival.

The REMNANT believes that we do not have to have a pre-planned agenda when we come together, but that the Holy Spirit has His own plan. If given a chance He will show up and move mightily in our midst.

Contact us for details:

Or check out our website:

You'll Never Know . . .

Yes, this is very true.

You will never know what is in the Bible if you read it like most Christians read it.

Because most Christians are attempting to serve God by keeping the law, they really do not enjoy reading the Bible, or . . . as they refer to it "having their daily devotions".

So, just before they go to sleep at night the tormenting thought hits them: "I haven't read my Bible today?"

"Oh, my, I'm supposed to be a Christian and I haven't read my Bible!"

So they flip it open---it doesn't matter where---(because they are going to daydream about something else anyway while they "have their daily devotions"), and they read for three or four minutes.

After a lifetime of this kind of "study" they do not have the slightest idea what is actually in the Bible.

How do I know this? I've talked to them all over the United States. They really are clueless.

Imagine going to college and reading a textbook like this. Imagine reading a novel like this. Just flip the book open, read a paragraph or two and then slam the book shut and go to sleep. And very possibly, very very possibly, don't even pick up the book again for two or three weeks.

What kind of a grade do you think a student would receive in his class if he "studied" like this?

You know that he would get an "F".

Well . . . many, many Christians are getting "Fs" in the Christian life for the same reason.

Here is an intelligent way to study God's Word:

1. Start at the beginning of a book (not the middle or some other obscure place). It does not matter which book because it is all God's Word.

2.Have a notebook and pen in hand. After each SENTENCE, write in your notebook what you think that sentence means. Write what you feel the Holy Spirit is saying to you.

3. Go through the Bible like this sentence by sentence.

4. And talk to God after you read each sentence. Take time to listen to his voice in your life. You will be amazed what you hear when you take time to listen.

He is a better teacher of His book than any human on this planet.

When you finish one book, then go to the next one.

Don't rush!

Don't do this so you can tell someone how long you have studied. Don't try to be religious. Don't do it so you will be able to say that you read an entire book of the Bible. Don't do it to impress anyone.

Do it because you are trying to commune with the Living God!

I have challenged people all over the world with this very simple exercise. Do this for three months, never miss a day, and then see what happens in your life.

The Bible is a supernatural book; and it is still the best selling book in the world!

God wrote it. Christians often emulate the Bible and say things like: "God's Word is so good."

And then they never actually study it.

If anyone exposes himself on a consistent basis to God's Word his life will be changed. I don't care if you have been a "Christian" for 50 years, or if you have had no interest in God. Your life will be transformed if you actually do what I'm suggesting.

I was recently talking with someone about this and the first thing he said to me was, "I usually go to church."

I told him that he was changing the subject. "I'm not talking about going to church. I'm talking about studying a book called the Bible."

Can you imagine having a discussion with someone about one of Hemingway's books and his response was, "I usually go to church!" You would think you were dealing with a mental freak of some kind.

Satan uses every opportunity to get people sidetracked. And he has certainly been good at deceiving American Christians by keeping them from actually studying God's Word. A few unrelated verses in Sunday School each week is not a serious study of the Bible. I know people who have sat in Sunday School classes for a lifetime and don't have a clue as to what is in the Bible.

A 60-year-old lady told me one time, "Laying on of hands is of the devil."

I guess she never read Hebrews 6:1-2 to find out that "laying on of hands" is one of the six basic doctrines of the Christian faith.

And she had been in church all of her life.

I could site literally dozens of examples where "Christians" showed their ignorance of the Bible after a lifetime of church attendance.

After one of my trips to Israel I was invited to speak at a church. I was astonished beyond words when one of the parishioners asked me, "Did you drive or fly to Israel?"

Where to begin with people like this?!

Many pastors do not know how to study the Scriptures either. They have never been taught, never been told. And so they jump around all over the Bible. The end result is that they end up just as confused as the people in their congregation. They, too, grew up in churches that did not know how to study God's Word.

What a mess!

Two of the greatest needs in the American church are serious Bible study and prayer. Actually studying God's Word and praying would transform any congregation and bring about a real revival.

There are many times when I've wondered if some pastors intentionally make sure that their people do not find out what the Scriptures actually say.

Jesus put it more bluntly:

"How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering."

For those of you who think that I fabricated the above statement: It is found in Luke's gospel, 11:52

Hosea 4:6
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . . ."

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mexican Border Fence

Once again our elected officials reveal their brilliance.

They have voted to build a 370-mile fence.

Our border with Mexico is approximately 1,969 miles long.

This would be like driving a 2 X 4 in your yard in hopes that it would keep out trespassers!

In areas where there is a partial fence agents discovered a tunnel more than 2,000 feet long and 85 feet beneath the surface that was being used by drug smugglers.



Why is NO ONE sneaking into Mexico?

Mexico gained its independence from Spain September 16, 1810.

But why are many Mexicans living in homes with dirt floors, no septic system, no running water, and no electricity?

Why has the United States, which is only 34 years older than Mexico, advanced so much, while our southern neighbor remains in poverty?

What About ANWR?

Every American needs to read this.

If you don't know what ANWR stands for: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

There is no reason for us to be paying $4 or $5 at the gas pump.

We have been lied to and here is the proof:

Elect A Sheriff


These are some of the reasons why:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio created the 'tent city jail' to save Arizona from spending tens of millions of dollars on another expensive prison complex.

He has jail meals down to 20 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.

He banned smoking and pornographic magazines in the jails, and took away
their weightlifting equipment and cut off all but 'G' movies. He says:
'They're in jail to pay a debt to society not to build muscles so they can assault innocent people when they leave.'


He started chain gangs to use the inmates to do free work on county and city projects and save taxpayer's money.


Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for

He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court order that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again but only allows the Disney channel and the weather channel.

When asked why the weather channel
, he replied: 'So these morons will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.'
He cut off coffee because it has zero nutritional value and is therefore a waste of taxpayer money. When the inmates complained, he toldthem, 'This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back.'
He also bought the Newt Gingrich lecture series on US history that he pipes into the jails. When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series that actually tells the truth for a change would be welcome and that it might even explain why 95% of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record for June 2nd
2007), the Associated Press reported: About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed wire surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts.


On the
Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing pink boxer shorts were overheard chatting in the tents, where temperatures reached 128 degrees.
'This is hell. It feels like we live in a furnace,' said Ernesto Gonzales, an inmate for 2 years with 10 more to go. 'It's inhumane.'
Joe Arpaio, who makes his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. 'Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for parole, only to go out and commit more crimes so they can come back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things many taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.'

The same day he told all the inmates who were complaining of the heat in the tents: 'It's between 120 to 130 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to walk all day in the sun, wearing full battle gear and get shot at, and they have not committed any crimes, so shut your damned mouths!'

Way to go, Sheriff! If all prisons were like yours there would be a lot less crime and we would not be in the current position of running out of prison spaces.

Sheriff Joe was just re-elected
as Sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona

Elect a sheriff in your community that will follow the example of this man whose good results are off the charts:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Latest Book

My latest book, A Simple Witness, has just been released.

To read a sample chapter, go to

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Glory in Winona Lake

He called you into his Kingdom to share his glory!”

1 Thessalonians 2:12b (NLT)

Dear Partner, June 2008

Greetings in Jesus’ Name!

For four days over Memorial Day weekend we saw the glory of God here in Winona Lake, Indiana. People came in from Israel, China, Thailand, Haiti, Viet Nam, Kenya, Sudan and many other places to celebrate what God has done in our lives over the past years.

This was the first “reunion” Full Life Crusade ever had. And what a glorious time it was. From the very first night the tears flowed as we heard testimonies that knocked our socks off. I do not know where I have ever been inside the United States where I have felt such love, honesty, openness and Divine Presence.

The unique thing is that there was no agenda---no itinerary. We just gathered together and the meetings took off like a rocket headed for the moon. Amazing what happens when “man” is not in control.

Jesus Christ is the head of his church, and if he is given a chance to actually be the head (instead of being pushed out) he runs things and manifests his power. When God shows up in meetings it is so much better than a three-point sermon, carefully prepared and polished.

Several folks who took the microphone readily admitted that they did not have any idea what they were going to share. Some simply broke down and wept in front of everyone for the joy that was in

that room. The meetings reminded me of so many meetings overseas where people who could not sing got up and sang. People who could not preach got up and preached. People who could not testify got up and testified. People who did not know how to prophesy got up and prophesied. People who did not know how to impart power to other people got up and imparted power.

When the Holy Ghost takes over people become giants, and then they step up to the plate and hit home runs. We often quote the verse, “With God all things are possible.” Then we sit back and refuse to believe that he is able to use anyone.

There were no big-name speakers at this reunion, but there were big people in God’s eyes who are making an impact in the earth for the Kingdom of God. There were people there who believed what they heard when they were challenged so many years ago to “PICK A NATION”!

They picked one and went forth by faith. God did the rest. Some of us picked more than one nation.

We heard about provision. We heard about people getting saved. We heard about people being baptized in the Holy Spirit. We heard about miracles of healing and the casting out of evil spirits.

We heard about total dependence on God.

And we heard about God never letting anyone down.

We heard about going into an African city with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. There was not even one church there. At the end of the meetings more than 400 people (new converts) established a church.

Today that one church has more than 1,000 satellite churches scattered throughout several nations.

We heard about sorrow. We heard about losing a spouse.

But we saw that a person can move forward because of the power of God. We learned that we do not have to build a house in the past and dwell there.

God is fresh! He is doing new things. There is nothing impossible for him.

His name is not limited by the English translation of Exodus 3:14. His real Hebrew name is: “I shall be who I shall be!”

This means that we cannot out-guess him, out-plan him, or make him do anything at all. He is in charge. We do not “release” him to do things because he has never been imprisoned.

He releases us because we are the ones who have confined ourselves to little box churches. There is not a building, a doctrine, or a ministry big enough to house him. He dwells in the heavens!

He spins our galaxy at a dizzying 490,000 miles per hour. And our galaxy is so huge that even at this speed it will take 200 million years for our galaxy to make one revolution.

And there are more than ONE BILLION GALAXIES in our universe!

And none of these huge galaxies spin out of control because of the

miracle of gravity. We are protected from chaos by his loving,

gentle keeping power. True worship is not just singing songs over and over again. Music is a part of worship, but real deep worship comes from the Hebrew word שחה “qal”, "shachah". It means to lie on one’s face, forehead to the ground in absolute silence. No whining, no requests, no noise. We lie there worshiping the majesty of Tsev-ah-oat (YHWH Tseba'oth), the mighty warrior of heaven (the LORD of heaven's armies).

There is no power like true worship. Because when the KING is worshiped he responds in ways that defy any thoughts that we may have. Our minds cannot contain his true intentions. In fact, God’s thoughts are completely different from ours. His ways are far beyond anything we can imagine.

Our job is to find out what he is doing and do it with him, not to ask him to bless us while we do our own thing. Very often our plans are contrary to his plans.

And so . . . PRAYER!

There is nothing that will empty out a church faster than a prayer meeting. I’m talking about the old-fashioned kind: on your knees, praying out of our hearts, out of our guts, tears flowing, joy coming down, and glory, glory, glory.

Modern-day Christians will not pray because they have learned that there is nobody listening and that prayer does not do any good.

They have learned this in church. We have done everything else in

church except pray. We have preached, sung, organized, committeed ourselves to death, and exerted so much effort we have burned ourselves out. All to no avail.

The world we are supposedly trying to reach does not even know that we exist!

And yet the words of Jesus ring clear: “My burden is light. Without me you can do nothing.”

Ask any American pastor if his burden is light.

Our burden was very light over Memorial Day weekend! Nobody was in charge, so nobody was up tight. For once we allowed Jesus Christ to be in charge of his church. He should be; after all he purchased the church with his own blood. It is his church, not ours.

So the glory came down. Our MC, Jim Miller, was so overcome by the presence of God that he could barely function. He was in the middle of his second 40-day fast.

Did it matter? Not one bit. People went to the microphone as they were prompted by the Holy Spirit. Some sang, some testified, some just stood there and wept.

Everyone who entered the room felt the divine Shekinah glory of God.

During one of the meetings within about 10 seconds about sixty people were on the floor, face down, worshiping God.

Then there was impartation! People laid hands on one another. There was not one big shot doing the praying. It was everyone, men and women, even young children cried, laughed, and prayed.

Lloyd Smoker looked at me and said something about “The Davidic Anointing” and a power hit my chest so hard that I fell flat on my back. No one touched me. Nobody pushed against my forehead. His presence was among us bringing untold depths of encouragement.

And so the Full Life Crusade Memorial Day reunion came to a close. But we will never forget what we experienced during those four, short days. It will always burn in our hearts. And we now know that we tasted a bit of heaven; we touched the hem of his garment; we laid our heads on Jesus breast and feasted with Him.

Unbeknown to me, Wendell Martin videotaped part of my testimony and placed it on his website. The title is “A Bible, Notebook, and Pen”. You are welcome to go there to watch and listen. It was in that meeting when the glory fell and impartations took place.|1&embed=1&t=8901

Perhaps some of the glory will spill over onto your life.

Don’t forget that I have a new blog. Just go to and

click on Wes Smith’s new blog. Within the last few months I have posted some very exciting articles about the end time---pictures, too!

Even Martha flew in from Jerusalem to be with us. So all of my daughters, Lisa, Konda, Martha, Heidi, and April were all there.

Heidi and April just graduated from nursing school last month. How proud we all are of them. They did a lot of studying.

And my precious daughters presented me with a very thick album. In it are letters, pictures, and articles from the past 44 years. It is, without doubt, the most precious gift I have ever received. Many thanks to everyone who took time to write a note or send a picture.

If you have not sent in a note or pictures it is not too late. The album is organized in such a way that late entries can be added.

Many thanks to Konda for taking about 50 hours to put the album together. And at the same time she somehow managed to take care of her five children.

If you are thirsty, read Isaiah 55. Take your choice, wine or milk; it’s all free. God will tell you where to get food that is good for the soul.

The life of your soul is at stake!

He will give you all the mercies and unfailing love that He promised to David.

Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him while he is near.

Our God will abundantly pardon!

My word always accomplishes everything that I want it to. It will prosper everywhere I send it.

This miracle will bring great honor to the Lord’s name!

A closing thought from Jeremiah 3:19: “I looked forward to your calling me Father!”

God is waiting. He does want to share his glory with you. This is one of the reasons He has called you into his Kingdom.

Thank you once again for your help for the outreaches of Full Life Crusade. What a privilege it has been to serve Him during these past 44 years.

In His Service,

Wesley Smith

Full Life Crusade, P.O. Box 398, Winona Lake, IN 46590 Tel. (574) 267-7546

The Menorah

The Menorah
Ready for the Third Temple. 92 pounds of gold ($17 million) 6 1/2 Feet High

Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock
The abomination of desolation




Please Help The Children